Monday, 25 August 2008

Religion, politics and the "intellectuals" who waffle on about them

Admittedly, I’m writing this article because I’m procrastinating some design work I should have started roughly 10 hours ago.

The catalyst for this typed up waffling session of my own here was a conversation over the weekend with two friends of mine. Suffice it to say that a dinner conversation involving either religion or politics is going to set off some fireworks and nobody is ever right. Except God, of course, but so few seem to listen to Him these days, huh? Personally, I’m always up for a healthy debate as long as it doesn’t get vicious. My frustration is lack of knowledge or the irritation of a belated reciprocation, usually just as you’re climbing into bed and your debate mates have long gone home.

What fascinated me with Saturday night’s dinner discussion was how people just refuse to see God in things. He’s all around us. When I watch red crested barbets feeding on fruit in my garden, I can’t believe there’s a movement out there that thinks evolution exists. What? Lightening struck a mud puddle millennia ago and over the years, design just co-ordinated itself? Those colours just came together quite by chance? Chance, as it turns out, doesn’t exist.

My friends and I launched into territory called “women running churches”. Personally, I disagree with this rather contemporary concept in the church and know that a lot of churches have bought into feminism in a rather disturbing way. The Bible is unequivocal about women in church leadership, but my friend has her feminist agenda all worked out. Here’s one for the feminists from me, a woman:

I don’t even think women should run companies, let alone be president. They just weren’t designed to handle that kind of stress and leading men is not God’s design for women. Which is one of the key reasons they shouldn’t be pastors, either. And when they do become pastors, it dilutes the gospel and waters down the Word of God, which states they shouldn’t. God created Adam first to watch over Eve, not the other way around. It’s all there in black and white, yet somehow people just flit by it or reinvent it according to their agenda. Christians who rally for this amplify hypocrisy, a label those in the Christian community who mean business with Christ constantly battle to negate.

God isn’t trying to tell women that they’re lesser beings than men. They just have a different purpose. Ladies, could we stick to God’s plan here, please? And you feminists that are demanding to be treated as “equals” are messing it up for the rest of us girls who love being treated like women by chivalrous men. And they do exist. We like being protected. We like the door being opened for us. I’ve noticed that chivalry is edging its way sheepishly out of society’s back door. Why? Because men are afraid of women freaking out if they offer to even help them carry their groceries, never mind change a car tyre. We're being pressured as women by this reaction to "become men".
Feminism is rooted in bitterness. That I can empathise with. I’ve made a lot of mistakes based on bitterness. I don’t buy into feminism, though. I never have. What rattles me even more is a man who has bought into it and expects me to as well.

I’m also astounded at how people interpret the Bible. For instance, my friend stated that the reason someone she knows is a vegetarian is because the Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill”. Eh? I was vegetarian for 8 years and never did that even occur to me. When I recommitted to Christ in 2000, I was convinced I’d be a vegetarian Christian. Not for long. And how would that “thou shalt not kill” rule apply in terms of vegetarianism versus sacrifices God expected in the Old Testament for sin?

I reckon if you’re going to come all guns blazing into a debate, could you at least read the material we’re discussing? Not fragments. And don’t quote the televangelists, either, because they’re mostly worse than the people who don’t know what they’re talking about. I haven’t read the entire Bible myself, so there are some areas I’ll plead ignorance. Then I’ll take it up with a friend of mine who is a Christian apologist, listen to teachings on it by wise men of God, find out what it’s about and hopefully be the wiser for it.

We know that some intellectuals are just all wind, really. I think Richard Dawkins has way too much time on his hands to come up with his outlandish theories. But he’s convinced himself and a whole following that God does not exist. Smart bloke, but not terribly wise.
I heard the term “atheist whore” on Saturday night when my one friend called our other friend that (sometimes debates get really entertaining when you just leave two people to take one another out when they were originally in cohorts against you). I guess some atheists are all about the “God doesn’t exist” agenda until they feel like God botched something up and then they’re all over Him in disgust like watery salad dressing.

Nevertheless, the novelty of a good debate will never wear off with me. You’ve got to be prepped, though! I’m no theologian, sadly.

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