Sunday, 23 March 2008

The Stalker

The view out of Rapunzel's window in this day and age...possibly.

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Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Restless Leather

Here's one I did back in '97. It goes without saying that I had some issues, but I still did love to illustrate. It was based on myself and my ex, except I had long black hair and wasn't bald. And looking at us both these days, we're vaguely "normal" now. And living separate, responsible lives.

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Monday, 10 March 2008

Lurrrrv Pedestal

Well now, my take on this is a rather contraversial one in this day and age and this is a simple blog, really, so let's stick with...enjoy the sketch. Did this one day during lunch at the factory I work at sometimes.

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Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Sad Christmas 2008

Here's one of this year's rejects for my Christmas 2008 greeting card range. Without the fonted wording, of course. Interesting thing I was told by the art controller - they don't want photoshopped designs that can be churned out by their own designers without using much time or creativity. They want authentic, original looking artwork that's worth paying for. S'wot I've always thought, really. Funny how some clients love Photoshop and others just never will, huh? (personally, I just do it for the cash if I have to but I'm an old-school, hands on girl all the way)

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Sunday, 2 March 2008

Dark Nights take their Toll

Eskom teased us tonight. The power is still on when they said it wouldn't be. I have my list written up of “things to do when the lights go down”. Like, write important things on my monthly planner. Write up the week’s schedule. Catch up birth date reminders in my diary. Neaten up my room. If I really squint my eyes in front of the candle flames, I could pull off painting my toenails and even sketch a little.

Last year my landlady cut the electricity in my flat because I was late with the rent. Seven weeks without power can make you a little kooky if you buckle. Winter had started kicking in and my heater wasn’t an option. My work shuddered to a standstill without my PC. A day without music is pretty awful. Charging your cellphone and camera batteries at the neighbours stops being embarrassing. Eventually. So does warming up your food in their microwave.
So, I guess four hours four days of the week isn’t as spectacularly devastating.

I wish us suckers on the Block 8 location of the load shedding schedule had been given the 6am to 10am power cut instead of the 6pm to 10pm one. I would have just slept in and had a fruitful day, dangit. 12pm to 12am are pretty much my peak creative hours, followed by a session of chilling out in front of my PC, journaling, catching up e-mail, blogging, pottering about on Facebook and trawling the internet. Blimey, the pressure of hitting the save key every 20 seconds preceding the hour of power petering out is somewhat stressful. How did we get so hooked on the trappings of the PC?

I can’t see what the heck just crawled over my foot in the dark vicinity at my feet as I’m sitting squinting by candlelight at my desk.
I can’t make cups of tea while I work or read – my one vice and joy in a cup.
I can’t listen to international news via streaming audio on my PC while I photoshop.
I miss Back to You on Thursday nights. And the Trump on Tuesdays.
But wait, on a more positive note, here are some tips for those powerless moments that I learnt last year in a dark, cold flat.

Long life milk can stand outside the fridge for up to 2 or 3 days.
Gas is a wonderful thing. So are batteries.
It’s a good time to defrost the fridge.
The phone still works. Make those calls. Catch up and link up.
The ducks at the park aren’t going anywhere. Neither are the birds. Go and feed them.
The library is a worthy institution that is filled with reading opportunities you can take home and curl up by candlelight with.
E-mail and the internet stop being the axis around which your day revolves.
Take walks. If you’re healthy and not living in Hillbrow, you have no excuse.

Oh, one more thing. Intimate communion with Jesus Christ will get you through any proverbial paw paw that just splattered across the fan.

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